In Qualitas we understand we create value for all our stakeholders, specially through provide automobile insurance, claims assistance, risk prevention culture and vial security education. Being leaders means adequate our capacity to what society requires, and above all, to what our stakeholders need in order to protect, maintain and improve natural and human resources align to our sustainable profile. We promote the culture of taking care of natural resources with practices that are oriented to its efficient use and to minimize the environmental impact from the company’ operations.
Pillars and action lines:
Offer products and services with value added for the policy holder, complemented with an efficient operation in the use of resources and in the claims assitance, taking advantage of the technology potential in our operation.
Potentialize the talent of our employees and its development, from the value of diversity to its wellbeing. Promote constructive leadership and a solid culture based in the internal communication.
Work closely with agents, service offices teams and suppliers supporting their formation and operation, looking to boost the sustainable strategy of the company and that the strategy is integrally implemented in all processes.
Promote the risk prevention, insurance, and finance culture in all the community. Specially in Latin America where the infrastructure and driving culture has a lack of strengths, which is the reason of the importance to contribute to responsible driving behavior culture. The respect to all people who join roads and public places, looking to generate awareness in the people.
Operate with a strict attachment to all company’ values, under the ethics guidance and conduct, which were stated from a solid corporate governance. We integrate sustainability criteria to the decision-making process. Also, we look to have a transition plan in the senior management team as well as in the Board of Directors members, a compensation that seeks talent retention and long-term expertise, having a Board of Directors with diversity and gender equality, as well as independent members for the objectiveness of it.
Our organizational culture is present in all Relationships we have with our different stakeholders, we have available for them different channels and platforms for an open dialogue in where different areas of the Company participate in.
We protect people and their assets in a comprehensive and personalized manner, we listen and attend the needs of our policyholders.
CommitmentTogether we build a business model that allows us to deliver the experience and service of a specialized company to our policyholders and the closeness and trust of their reference advisor. We work for a long term and efficient relationship. We support their professional development.
CommitmentWe create employment and professional development opportunities, as well as training. We look for committed people who are part of a team that allows them to give the best of themselves, with constructive leadership and safekeeping of their well-being.
CommitmentWe drive investment performance, with the strength of a prudent management and the solidity of a successful business model, adhered to a discipline of cost control. We make the decision making process transparent as well as the company’s results.
CommitmentWe offer relationships based on trust, with conditions that benefit both parts, fair treatment and transparency. We seek quality services, commitment, and efficiency in the operation, combining our principles of excellence in service and cost control.
CommitmentWe contribute to the development of communities in our environment, through initiatives that tend to their main needs and where we promote the prevention culture.
CommitmentWe comply with applicable laws and thus promote conditions of fair competition, in addition to protecting the rights of the policyholders.
CommitmentIn Qualitas we add ourselves to different international initiatives which promote sustainability.
» UN Global CompactSince 2015 we adhered to the Global Compact from the United Nations, an international initiative that promotes the implementation of 10 principles universally accepted to promote corporate social responsibility in areas of human rights, labor norms, environmental matters, and anti-bribery practices. With this, we make public our commitment to incorporate in our strategies, activities, and operations this universal principles.
Principle 1: We will embed in our decision-making environmental, social and governance issues relevant to our insurance business.
Principle 2: We will work together with our clients and business partners to raise awareness of environmental, social and governance issues, manage risk and develop solutions.
Principle 3: We will work together with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote widespread action across society on environmental, social and governance issues.
Principle 4: We will demonstrate accountability and transparency in regularly disclosing publicly our progress in implementing the Principles.
Principle 5: Eradication of child labor.
Principle 6: Abolishment of the employment an occupancy discrimination.
Principle 7: Preventive focus to foster the environment.
Principle 8: Initiatives for the respect of the environment.
Principle 9: Diffusion of eco-friendly technologies.
Principle 10: Fight against corruption, extorsion and bribery.
Conscious of our capacity to contribute and attend challenges the society and the planet are living through, included in 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development, we joint efforts with the government, corporate and civil society sectors to contribute in the achievement of those goals launched by the United Nations.
Since 2020, Quálitas Compañía de Seguros was adhered to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, committing ourselves to guide our operation through sustainability, from the development of our insurance until our investment process.
Principle 1: We will embed in our decision-making environmental, social and governance topics (ESG topics) relevant to our insurance business.
Principle 2: We will work together with our clients and business partners to raise awareness of ESG topics, manage risk and develop solutions.
Principle 3: We will work together with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote widespread action across society on ESG topics.
Principle 4: We will demonstrate accountability and transparency in regularly disclosing publicly our progress in implementing the Principles.
During 2020, we updated the materiality analysis following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) recommendations to attend the principal information requirements from our stakeholders and shareholders.