Corporate Governance

We have a corporate governance system that complies with all Mexican regulatory requirements and with the international best practices, to guarantee that the taken decisions generate value to all stakeholders.

The Board of Directors defines Qualitas’ strategy and has the faculty of designate the top management members of the Company.

  •  67% of members are independent.
  • 17% of members are women.

Most of our subsidiaries have their own corporate governance structure, under the supervision of their own Board of Directors.

foto gobernanza

We promote an ethical performance in all our employees and its commitment to our internal rules and external regulation.

foto gobernanza

An essential part of our identity is the Human Rights respect, we are convinced that the internal promotion of diversity, generate numerous benefits to our business and to the community.

  • We reject all type of discrimination.
  • We promote equal opportunities between men and women.
  • We recognize child rights and reject child labor.
  • We recognize social security rights and 100% of our employees enjoy the right of it.
  • We reject all type of slavery, forced labor and human traffic.
  • We recognize the collective bargaining right.
  • We are committed to maintain the highest confidentiality levels regarding the information we gathered, use, and reveal from our stakeholders.
  • We respect the rest and recreation right.
  • We respect the fair and adequate remuneration.
  • We respect the freedom of thought and religion.

As an important part of our corporate governance strategy, we include the Risk management and analysis; currently each committee evaluates the breach typification, unidentified risks and other values that could affect the company’s for that, we publish on annual basis our report to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) , the different risks that our operations, the company and the sector are exposed to.