reforesting hands


We promote the care for the environment and the planet through different activities and initiatives that involve all the members of our value chain.

  1. Climate commitment: To protect and care for the planet, generating awareness regarding the environmental impact. In a voluntary manner, we generate an emissions inventory in an annual basis, which allows us to meet and share our environmental impact, contemplating direct emissions (Scope 1), indirect emissions (Scope 2) and the rest of emissions from our value chain (Scope 3).

  2. Other environmental indicators: We contribute to the care of the planet through different initiatives and activities such as the annual reforestation, the integration of hybrid cars to our Qualicoches’ fleet, water optimization y responsible use of it. We also support civil organizations that are specialized in environmental causes.

Sustainable business

For Qualitas, talking about a sustainable business means bring all the tools and boost the needed actions that allow the shared growth between all the value chain members.

  1. Products: We pursue innovation and offer products with a social and environmental focus.
  2. Sustainable investment: We incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance criteria (ESG) to our investment strategy, under the guidelines from our “Investment manual”.

  3. PSI: From the insurance sector, we are committed to build social and environmental responsible practices, including the development of products and services.
    So for that, our subsidiary Qualitas Compañia de Seguros subscribed itself since 2020 to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI), committing our operation through sustainable models: from the development of the insurance to the investment strategy, among others.